Too many people are stuck in a job they don’t love, trading time for money and all the while feeling trapped as if they are at a dead end. Fortunately, this doesn’t need to be you. If you have half decent writing skills you can create content for websites, write articles and eBooks or be a full-time ghost writer. Online writing jobs are perfect for stay at home parents, college students and even someone who wants to supplement their day job with part-time online freelance writing jobs.
All you have to do is compare online freelance writing jobs to working a regular 9-5 job and you will immediately start to see some of the benefits. For example, freelance writers enjoy the flexibility to work in your pajamas if you choose, not having to set your alarm clock, get a pay raise when you want to, no more calling in on sick days and more. Just reading through these benefits will help you see how they can pave the road to job freedom for you.
There is an incredible time savings in being able to work from home. Some people spend 1 or 2 hours or even more in a one-way commute to their day jobs. Just think how great it would be not to waste your valuable time in commuting. Those 2-4 hours of your time daily could be spent doing something much more productive. You could even be making money during those hours you normally would have spent commuting. Online writing jobs from home have become more and more popular because of the many benefits they offer. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain by trying them out today. Just remember that while you may not be the fastest or best writer in the beginning, you will move up the ranks as you keep getting positive feedback from employers who love your work. Customer service is a big deal when it comes to writing for someone else. If you always produce your best possible work while making sure it’s on time and your client is happy, you will most likely get many repeat requests for your work.
There are many ways to locate jobs for writers and you might want to try more than one of them. Here is a sampling: become a member of freelance writing sites already established online, only work for professional websites in order to maintain a good reputation, contact large websites in your field of interest and offer them your writing services, search on forums and answer ads for employers seeking freelance writers, search for writing jobs in many subjects depending on your interests. For example, medical, science or technical articles.
Our support office works round-the-clock to address your questions, inquires and problems.
We do our best to supply our writers with an abundance of assignments in all fields.
You know exactly what is required for you in every project or assignment.
We are open to changes and are always ready to listen to your ideas and suggestions.
I have never worked for a more professional and friendly freelance writing agency before! Freelance Writing Company is perfect any way you look at it: the pay is good, they have a support team that can help you with any problem or question day or night, the variety of orders is impressive. I appreciate the opportunity to work with your team!
Jonathan (Canada)This is the best freelance company I have ever dealt with so far. Be it scientific, medical, technical or general writing assignment - they have it all. The deadlines are different too, so if I am busy with my life, I can take orders that are not due in 15 days or more. I highly recommend this firm to all freelance writers who want to earn for a decent living.
George (US)Thank you for a great opportunity to work from home and apply my writing talent. I am a single mom and was desperate for some cash to provide for my kid. I found even more - a source of stable income. Thank you guys!
Meredith (UK)Being a professional freelance writer, I have worked for a number of online companies and to be honest, I was hesitant to try yet another agency. However, Freelance Writing Company has exceeded my expectations - these guys offer an abundance of various assignments in many fields and I am always able to choose something to my liking. Keep it up!
Gabriel (US)